Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Glorious Prospect
Suddenly, no, at last, long last, I couldn't any more. I couldn't go on. Someone said, You can't stay here. I couldn't stay there and I couldn't go on. I'll describe the place, that's unimportant. The top, very flat, of a mountain, no, a hill, but so wild, so wild, enough. Quag, heath up to the knees, faint sheep-tracks, troughs scooped deep by the rains. It was far down in one of these I was lying, out of the wind. Glorious prospect, but for the mist that blotted out everything, valleys, loughs, plain and sea. How can I go on, I shouldn't have begun, no, I had to begin. Someone said, perhaps the same, What possessed you to come? I could have stayed in my den, snug and dry, I couldn't. My den, I'll describe it, no, I can't.
Samuel Beckett, "Texts for Nothing", p. 100, in The Complete Short Prose, 1929-1989 (ed. S.E. Gontarski, Grove Press 1999).